Welcome to Fire Safe Council For Monterey County's Firewise USA® Community Certification Workshop.

We are grateful to National Fire Protection Association and State Farm for providing us with a $500 grant to help make this online workshop possible during this time when many of us must shelter in place.

Firewise USA® Workshop

Firewise USA® is a voluntary program that provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, make decisions, and take action to increase the fire-ignition resistance of their homes and community. During this workshop you will receive help with overcoming some of the challenges of the certification process, learn about the many helpful resources and benefits of certification and prepare some of the documentation that is required to have your community certified as being Firewise.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Get Started

    • Workshop hosted by Fire Safe Council For Monterey County

    • Start A Discussion

    • In This Workshop

    • PreTest

  • 2


    • Why Consider Firewise USA® Certification?

    • Benefits of Working Together

    • Volunteer Hourly Worksheet

    • Choose A Group

  • 3

    Assess & Plan

    • Assess & Plan

    • Monterey County Community Wildfire Protection Plan

    • Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire (video)

    • Develop an Action Plan

    • A Few Ideas

  • 4

    Post Test

    • Multiple Choice

    • Please Answer the Following Questions

    • Please Rate This Workshop

    • Congratulations!

  • 5


    • List of Resources

Firewise USA® Workshop